
High quality big bag accessories and production solutions provider that can be relied on.

Services We Provide

We supply conductive yarns and tapes, technical yarns as well as accessories and other materials for big bags. Applied to FIBC industry, to provide safe and reliable production solutions for big bag manufacturers.


Antisatic Type C FIBC

Usually the conductive fabric is interwoven with the carbon conductive yarns or filaments at the top or bottom of anti-static type C FIBC, then connect the grounding tape.

  • Carbon Conductive  Yarn
  • Carbon Conductive Grounding Tape
Carbon Conductive  Yarn

Several Key Points:

· The thickness of carbon conductive yarn is thicker, per roll length is shorter; the thickness of yarn is thinner, per roll length is longer

· The conductivity of the conductive yarn decreases with elongation at break

· The larger of elongation at break, the conductive yarn is not likely to break yarn, the smaller of elongation at break, the yarn is likely to break

Because the resistance increases with the decrease of the conductivity, it’s not easy to conduct electricity, then vice versa.

Carbon Conductive Grounding Tape

Usually type C FIBC big bag carbon conductive grounding tape also sewing sited at top, bottom, side body.

Since the surface resistance decreases with increasing conductivity, it’s easily conductive, and vice versa.

Simultaneously monitor the resistance of the anti-static big bag to ensure that the conductive elements can dissipate satic charges.

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